Saturday, 16 May 2009

Jan Update

I'm continuing to work on hexagons with hand work for all the hexagons at this point creating sets of 4 and trying them in different positions on black background. As of today they are on the design wall in slanting rows but I am going to try different combinations and possibly using black space between one or all of them. I am also continuing on with the old quilt that I am taking apart and putting back together in a more stable manner. I've actually taken the blocks apart and am taking 14 with me on holiday and will see how many I get done. I've decided to use a calico surround for the blocks to set them off more and am still looking for pictures from family members of outfits that were made out of the fabric back in the 60's and 70's.

Sunday, 10 May 2009

Jenni update

Just a quick update to let you know what ive been working on. I have been home from Glasgow this week and getting perspex squares cut for building block and the tile cloth pieces I want to do for the exhibition.

I have included a sketch of the cloth piece with the idea that it could be hung, wall based/floor based or draped over plinths to take their shape and become quite sculptural.

I have been thinking through and planning a few other pieces as well as the presentation of my work is relative to how I am exploring this theme of Deconstruct/Reconstruct. I am also thinking of making a few jewellery pieces for the exhibition also with the idea of gradually filling up the perspex tiles with my textile pieces.

How is everyone else getting on with their ideas? It would be great to get a little note from everyone in a post!