I promised an update mid-November, well, it's December now, other projects pushed their way to the fore and Forum work is waiting for attention. I have spent a month developing a character design for a pre-school children's book. This is almost complete now so will be sharing that on my own blog before Christmas.
Life is full, Stitching the Legend is still in process. Sometimes it takes months of waiting before an idea sparks the project off again - it's all part of the creative process. The Ulster Musuem has a small costume display which includes a beautiful Schiaperelli gown. I'm not sure what the fabric is because there is little detail and you can't touch it to find out! I'm guessing it's silk crepe de chine. The colour is a muted soft pink so that will have to be included somehow into my Schiaperelli piece for Stitching the Legend.
Here's a quote from the famous lady herself:
'Never fit a dress to a body but train the body to fit the dress'
Back onto the exercise bike for me then!