Tuesday, 9 February 2010

February Forum 2010

Post from Amanda ...Members of the Textile Art Forum are off to Ballydugan Cottages near Downpatrick for 6 days from 28th February. With just four of us contributing this year we have an interesting challenge ahead to discuss and co-ordinate our work for the coming season. We are all stll working on the Deconstruct/Reconstruct theme putting together an exhibition for later this year. Will keep you posted here.
My own work on the dress seem in earlier posts is shaping up. The printed fabric for the skirts has been stitched, layered with net and gathered to fit to the bodice which is under construction. I had a fitting with my model, Tessa a couple of days ago so with a bit more work I will have something that looks more like the finished article to show you, meanwhile, here is a photo of the detail of the stitching on the skirt. The fabric is very fragile as it has been well composted which makes it challenging to work with.

I will be using a similar technique, printing onto composted cotton then stitching over it to create a wall piece that takes it's construction idea from the traditional patchwork block pattern.

1 comment:

Ester Kiely said...

This all sounds great! I'm really looking forward to seeing the dress and hearing more about the decomposting process.
I hope to get some photos of stitch samples on the blog soon.