For this year's theme, "Myths & Legends" I decided to continue to explore the landscape where I live in County Galway.
My house faces the hill, Knockma (Cnoc Maigh - the hill on the plain). It is the only high ground in a very flat plain of land that stretches to Loch Corrib and to the mountains in Connemara beyond.
According to local folklore, Knockma is a fairy hill and site of the palace of Finnvarra (Fionnbharra) King of the Fairies. There are many stories of people being 'spirited away' by the fairies and lots of superstitions.
Another legend says that Queen Maedbh is buried there. There is also mention of Ladra, a Nordic explorer, who apparently populated the surrounding area! Not to mention St. Patrick who passed by his way to Downpatrick. The old abbey of Donoghpatrick is just a mile away. I'll soon be follow St. Patrick to Downpatrick as I head to Ballyduggan for this year's residential.
But back to Knockma and a legend of 'Eithne the fairy bride' where a local chieftain's wife, fell into a trance and was spirited away by Fionnbharra, King of the Fairies. With this in mind, I began to collage and doodle in my sketchbook to see what images might come up.
A torn-paper tree with the words 'mo ghrá thú' (literally translates as 'you are my love' but is said as an endearment).
Metallic continuous line drawings to simulate metallic thread stitching.
This sketchbook page was the one I decided to work with for the challenge.
The challenge is for each member to create an initial piece based on their own interpretation of 'Myths and Legends' but it must include black and gold metallic thread and tea-dyed calico, stretched over a 50x50cm canvas.
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